In case you,
- see ??? or other symbols instead of subs;
- add the subtitles file but it doesn't show up;
you can try to re-save your .srt file with another encoding, e.g. with UTF. For example, open your subtitles file in Notepad (a standard Windows program)> go to File> Save as> select UTF from the dropdown menu. If you get a message that saving as UTF may cause loss of some symbols, don’t do it.
Alternatively, you can download Sublime Text 2 here and follow the instructions below:
1) Open subtitle file via File - Open file...(pic 1)
2) Click File - Reopen with Encoding and choose the necessary codepage (pic 2)
3) Go to File - Save and save the file with a new name (pic 3)
4) Save file as UTF8 with BOM (pic 4)
5) Add your file into Freemake Video Converter
If it didn't help, please open your subtitles file via Notepad and pay attention to the timing. Freemake Video Converter supports the following timing writing:
00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:26,950
In case you see ; instead of : or any other symbols, you should change your subtitles file with a corresponding subtitles editor for Freemake to accept it.
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